United Methodist Communications
Saturday, July 27, 2024


Browser The technology which allows you to access the World Wide Web (e.g. Internet Explorer)

Church/Ministry Profile The questions about your church or ministry which E-zekiel uses to begin putting together your site.

Domain Name Your "address" or Web site name on the Internet. (e.g. www.mychurch.org)

Fonts The different styles in which words can appear on a screen (e.g. times new roman, helvetica, etc...).

Formatting Setting up words in a particular manner, such as bold, italic, larger sized-type, etc.

Hosting fees The amount you pay to a service for allowing you to be on the World Wide Web. Usually an extra expense, but included with your E-zekiel subsription.

HTML A special computer language used to design Web pages. E-zekiel does all of the behind-the- scenes HTML to eliminate the frustration and unknown.

Log In Enter your user name and password on the E-zekiel home page to move to your site.

Password A word you will use when you set up or edit your site. Your password is protected and cannot be duplicated by another E-zekiel user.

Set-up Wizard A quick process which allows you to fill in blanks to set up your site.

User name The name you will use when you set up or edit your site.

If there are terms that you would like to have added to the glossary, email your requests to: suggestions@e-zekiel.com

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